Loss & Found

“For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it” (Mark 8.35)

“Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit” (John 12.24)


There are some things that cannot be saved by saving;
for by striving to use less, they become useless.

These same things are saved by using,
for only by giving them away are they kept.

So, it is with any natural capacity or spiritual ability;
without employ, it atrophies.

And what greater natural capacity is there but life?
What greater spiritual ability than love?

2 thoughts on “Loss & Found

  1. Just Amen to this Paul!!!
    “There are some things that cannot be saved by saving;
for by striving to use less, they become useless.
    These same things are saved by using,
for only by giving them away are they kept.”

    This makes by smile because I’m in the process Luke many others of downsizing and I’ve given so many things away. They have so much more meaning now that I’ve given them away…. especially some of Tim’s things which I know others will cherish!! I feel so much love as I share some of what I have that I don’t need with others!! A spiritual gift indeed! We often don’t learn until it’s too late that we don’t need most of the stuff we have. Sometimes in giving it away, we “find” peace. That’s what loss & found means to me!

    Much love!

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  2. Loretta, I admire you for sharing your material wealth with many others. For I believe that this has a sacramental aspect, that is, being an outward and visible sign of your inner spirit of hospitality. Such giving away deepens your passion for living. Bless you. Always.


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